Archive for the ‘Auto Insurance’ Category

Be Careful Letting Someone Borrow Your Car

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

There are times when a person might let a family member, neighbor, roommate, lover, or friend drive their car when asked or simply out of their own will. Some fail to consider the specifics of their insurance coverage when a returning child from college for a Christmas break suddenly borrows the family car to go to the mall with some friends. But is it ok to let a family member drive a vehicle that is not registered under his name?

Many people who apply for auto insurance do not know just how important it is to disclose all possible drivers of the insured car when getting quotes for insurance regardless if they will drive or not. It actually affects the extent of coverage which can have a chain reaction in case of an accident. Things must be clear regarding claims because insurance companies will only pay in accordance with the signed policy. (more…)

Weeding Thru a Sea of Advertisements to Find the Best Car Insurance

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Lowering transportation costs is important in today’s economy. The average cost of a gallon of gas has almost doubled in the past four years. Finding a way to save money on necessary expenses can feel a bit overwhelming. Eye catching newspaper or online ads may encourage switching to their company to experience an immediate reduction in insurance rates. Advertisers may promise a substantial amount of savings of $400 or more annually. This amount of savings can easily be five to ten percent of a policy for liability or full coverage insurance. Here are a few tips for weeding thru advertisements to find the best car insurance. (more…)

Top Five Areas That Can Increase Vehicle Insurance Premiums

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
From the loan, gasoline, routine maintenance, and repairs, a vehicle is often an expensive item to own. Another expense is insuring the vehicle, a cost that varies greatly. For example, those with an excellent driving record and that own an older vehicle will usually find the expense relatively small. On the other hand, for those that have a driving history with traffic violations, the monthly cost of auto insurance can easily surpass $200.
Drivers need to know what causes premiums to rise before they can avoid costly premiums. Here are five of the most common contributors to higher premiums:

1. Traffic Violations/Accidents

Although some drivers don’t make the connection between their driving habits and insurance premium rates, the reality is that insurers consider a good driving record as an essential element in obtaining the best auto insurance premiums. Of course, insurers understand most drivers are bound to have a traffic violation or accident at some point. Therefore, most insurers don’t make substantial increases to insurance premiums for a single incident. However, insurers are very likely to make increases when a driver has multiple accidents and/or traffic violations on their driving record. In fact, the insurer may even decline to renew the policy of such a driver. Drivers dropped by an insurance company may find it very difficult to find an affordable policy through a different insurer. On the other hand, drivers with a good record should periodically review their policy to see if they qualify for any premium decreases. (more…)

Why Are My Auto Insurance Rates So High?

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

It’s hard to have a conversation about auto insurance without at least one person complaining that their rates are too high. What most people don’t understand is that their rate is not some magical amount they are required to pay, but rather a precise calculation that takes into account personal and lifestyle attributes. (more…)